HostWell financial report explaination

  We will send a “all time” ledger every January which will contain the full transaction history. You can copy and paste this into excel and manipulate it as you see fit for your taxes. We’re working on a system to allow hosts to directly view the ledger and specify custom periods but there’s currently no timeline for implementation.
Name Happy Host Host/Customer Name on record
Email [email protected] Contact email address on record
Rent $ 3895.92 total of nightly rates for specified period before platform and other booking related fees.
Platform Fee $ 390.23 All non-rent, non-cleaning fee, non-tax expenses in the booking. A bulk of this are platform fees which can range from 5-35% of the pre-tax booking value. This may also include add-ons like the guest paid insurance fee, non-tax municipal fees or other non-rent items depending on jurrisdiction and booking platform. Fees such as the SafelyStay insurance fee are added as a line item on the guest bill but paid to us in a lump sum along with rent–these fees will increase rent, but also increase platform fees which will net these fees to 0. However, average daily rate may appear higher on platforms where the platform fee is also higher because of this nuance on how the money is collected and booked. Our system is designed to adjust pricing such that the host makes the same on any booked day regardless of which channel the booking comes from–unless we are running channel specific promotions which may reduce the rate for specific channels on given promotional periods.
Cleaning Fee $ 1495.00 Cleaning fee paid to HostWell. If a host is covering part of the cleaning fee the collected cleaning fee may be less–in such cases the balance is deducted from rent and added to cleaning fee. There are also some listings which have no published cleaning fee, but we adjust the room rate based on lenght of stay to cover the cleaning fee. in those cases the entire cleaning fee is in the rent charged by the platform and then extracted from rent into this cleaning fee item.
Tax $ 156.90 Local Taxes: including any tax related items. In San Francisco this is currently 16% and includes the 14% Transient Occupancy Tax and the 2% Tourism Improvement District Fee. These are charged separately to the guest and paid to the treasurer by HostWell.
Total $ 5607.82 booking total= Rent + Cleaning Fee + Taxes
HostWell Commission $ 876.43 Our Commission = (Rent – Platform Fees) * commission rate We deduct the fees prior to computing our commission–we share the expenses with you.
Due Owner $ 2629.26 Due Owner (your payout) = (Rent – Platform Fees) * (1-commission rate) We deduct the fees prior to computing our commission–we share the expenses with you.
Paid Owner $ 2629.26 Monies paid to you. We settle accounts once a month. If we do work for y ou, there may be line items with “Source” “HostWell Services” or “HostWell Cleaning” or some other “HostWell” entity. We bill these as a payment to the owner. We don’t know how hosts do their individual accounting so we provide all the info to you. Many hosts just sum up the “due owner” column and report that is their rental income. If you use the paid owner column, it may include maintenance and other expenses and you’ll then have to deduct those expenses back out on your own.
Balance due Happy Host $ 0 How Much we currently owe you for the period. If we did work for you which esceeds the cost or you collected cash from a guest for an extended stay or other services which exceeds your other monthly earnings, we may be owed money. In general we’ll just wait for things to settle next month.
Date Listing Name Source Conf # # of Nights Rent Paid Platform Fee Cleaning Fee Tax Due Security Deposit Tax Collected Total HostWell Commission Due Owner Paid Owner Net Due
2024-09-16 Super Apartment with Views Airbnb XXXXXXX1 4 957.60 37.70 299.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1256.60 229.98 689.92 -689.92
2024-09-26 Kitchen Faucet Replacement HostWell Services 20241009-001-09 \ 278.71 14.66 293.37 -396.55
2024-10-01 Super Apartment with Views HostWell Checking 20241001-001-01 0.00 0.00 396.55
2024-10-10 Super Apartment with Views Airbnb XXXXXXX2 4 804.80 33.11 299.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1103.80 192.92 578.77 -578.77
2024-11-01 Super Apartment with Views HostWell Checking 20241101-001-01 0.00 0.00 578.77
2024-11-28 Excellent room in Super Apartment Airbnb XXXXXXX3 1 271.90 17.13 299.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 570.90 63.69 191.08 -191.08
2024-12-01 Super Apartment with Views HostWell Checking 20241201-001-01 0.00 0.00 191.08
2024-12-31 Super Apartment with Views 1234567890 2 621.62 256.12 299.00 156.90 0.00 156.90 1137.52 91.38 274.12 -274.12
2025-01-01 Super Apartment with Views HostWell Checking 20250101-001-01 0.00 0.00 274.12